Jordi Garcia Ubasart

Aplicació de nous sistemes enzimàtics pel refinatge  i la modificació de fibres cel·lulòsiques

DirectorData de lectura
Teresa Vidal
22 Juliol 2011

Autors Publicacions derivades de la Tesi Doctoral
E.M. Cadena, J. Garcia-Ubasart, T. Vidal, A.L. Torres Determination of zeta potential and cationic demand in ECF and TCF bleached pulp from eucalyptus and flax. Influence of measuring conditions. Cellulose. 16: 491–500,  2009 10.1007/s10570-009-9275-3
J. Garcia-Ubasart, A. Esteban, C. Vila, M.B. Roncero, J.F. Colom, T. Vidal Enzymatic treatments of pulp using laccase and hydrophobic compounds. Paper Technology.  52 (4): 7–9,  2011
J. Garcia-Ubasart, A. Esteban, C. Vila, M.B. Roncero, J.F. Colom, T. Vidal Enzymatic treatments of pulp using laccase and hydrophobic compounds. Bioresource Technology. 102: 2799–2803,  2011 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.10.020
E.M. Cadena,  X. Du, G. Gellerstedt, J. Li, A. Fillat, J. Garcia- Ubasart, T. Vidal, J.F. Colom On hexenuronic acid (HexA) removal and mediator coupling to pulp fiber in the laccase/mediator treatment. Bioresource Technology. 102: 3911–3917,  2011 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.11.127
J. Garcia-Ubasart, J.F. Colom, C. Vila, N. Gómez Hernández, M.B. Roncero, T. Vidal A new procedure for the hydrophobization of cellulose fibre using laccase and a hydrophobic phenolic compound. Bioresource Technology. 112: 341–344,  2012 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.02.075
J. Garcia-Ubasart, A.L. Torres, C. Vila, F.I.J. Pastor, T. Vidal Biomodification of cellulose flax fibers by a new cellulase. Industrial Crops and Products, 44: 71-76, 2013 10.1016/j.indcrop.2012.10.019
J. García-Ubasart, T. Vidal, A. L. Torres, and O. J. Rojas Laccase-Mediated Coupling of Nonpolar Chains for the Hydrophobization of Lignocellulose. Biomacromolecules, 14 (5), 1637–1644, 2013 10.1021/bm400291s

Inventors Patent derivada de la Tesi Doctoral País, data de prioritat i Entitat titular
J. Garcia-Ubasart, M.B. Roncero, T. Vidal, J.F. Colom Procedimiento de fabricación de papel con encolado interno mediante un sistema enzima mediador.
Patente ES 2352495 23/07/2009. PCTlES2010/000326
España, 23/7/2009, UPC