Research Projects
Grant for young and emerging research project
Valorization of textile waste as a source of cellulose to obtain products with high added value
The business model of textile industry and fashion is based on “fast fashion” phenomena, which encourages society to renew its clothes frequently and each season. According to the European Environment Agency (2019), between 1996 and 2012, the amount of clothes bought in the EU per person increased by 40%. To cover this demand, the production of textile fibers has increased significantly. Particularly, in 2020 the amount of fibers had nearly increased five times with respect to 1975, reaching 108 million metric tons, and forecast say that fiber demand is going to increase to reach about 133-156 million t in 2030. One of the negative consequences of fast fashion phenomena is that high amounts of underused materials are discarded each year with an important loss of value. According to Ellen Macarthur Foundation (2017), 73% of textile waste ends up in controlled landfills or is incinerated, and less than half of the used clothes are collected selectively to return - it to be used or recycled (European Environment Agency, 2022). This data is quite alarming since resources are limited and therefore it is urgent to develop sustainable practices involving the valorization of waste textiles. Importantly, the waste directive EU 2018/851 will require EU countries to collect waste textiles separately by 2025. Moreover, it is true that there is technology for recycling fibers, but the process is not very competitive. Taking into account all of the above considerations, the value proposition of this project is to recover cellulose fibers that are in the textile wastes, and use these recovered fibers as a feedstock to produce biodegradable films for food packaging. As a technology, Ionic liquids are used as green solvents to dissolve cellulose fibers, since are selective to cellulose polymer but are not able to dissolve synthetic fibers. A circular concept is introduced in this work because a textile waste is transformed to a new product with high potential.
Funding Entity
Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona Ciència i Universitats)
E. Quintana
Funding entity code
Start Date: 23/12/2022
End Date: 23/06/2024
Group linked
Research Project MINECO
Converting cellulose materials into advanced and ecofriendly products (CELLECOPROD)
The environmental and social challenges that our society is facing are activating and directing research efforts in the search for solutions to the current environmental situation. The general strategy is to make the Circular Economy concept a reality, through the efficient use of renewable resources, in a sustainable and ecological way. The development of ecological and biodegradable new materials and products is a must. The use of natural polymers from biomass, such as cellulose, is a very interesting option in this regard. The structural versatility of cellulose and its potential to be easily modified opens the door to its application in different industrial sectors. In order to meet the specific requirements for these new applications, it is necessary to use cellulose at the nanoscale, and also the combination of macro- and nano-scaled structures, taking into account its physical, chemical and/or enzymatic modification. Therefore, the goal of this proposal is to create different spatial organizations of cellulose, by selecting the optimal modifications of cellulose allowing the development of advanced bioproducts, taking into account the Bioeconomy and Eco-Innovation criteria. More specifically, it is expected to solve some needs in applications for: a) biopackaging, applying Eco-Design concepts and solving the limitation posed by the hygroscopic nature of cellulose when certain barrier properties are required ; b) improve water quality, either by filtration or by adsorption, through the creation of cellulosic membranes and/or aerogels, functionalized according to the pollutants to be eliminated, and paying special attention to the elimination of microplastics; c) air filtration using laminar bi-components or cellulosic aerogels able to block the passage of polluting particles present in the air; d) biosensing, through the implementation of cellulosic structures in a continuous monitoring device, and using immobilization strategies of biocomponents to increase the response. This proposal brings a great novelty and relevance because it is committed to using a renewable resource, cellulose, and its modification in a sustainable way, in order to create bio-products of social, economic, industrial and environmental interest, within the framework of a circular economy. The expected results will have a great impact at international level since current problems related to packaging, water and air quality, and the early detection of critical health situations are addressed.
Funding Entity
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
M.B. Roncero
C. Valls
Funding entity code
Start date: 01/09/21
End date: 31/08/25
Group linked
Research Project MINECO
Development of environmental friendly cellulosic microdevicesof low cost for immediate biodiagnosis (MICROBIOCEL)
Paper is a natural, renewable and biodegradable product which shows a high versatility, what makes it feasible the proposal of creating a low cost and portable microdevice for immediate biodiagnosis. Besides, according to OMS these systems for health surveillance should accomplish several criteria, several of which are not solved yet for their industrial application. The present projects plans the design of several paper based components, that fulfil the different needs of analytical methods, and that could be integrated together to produce a single 3D microdevice for biodiagnosis, showing multiple functionality adapted to each of the analysis purposes. For this objective there is the need of new technologies (Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Micro and Nanoelectronics). Microfluidics will allow the transport and efficient mixing of the samples, while analysis response sensitivity will be enhanced by printed microelectronics.
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Vidal, T.Casals, J.
Code project
Start date: 01/01/18
End date: 31/12/20
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
MICROTECH LAB - Microtechnology for the Industry
Research Project MINECO
Use of renewable resources to achieve biofilms with barrier properties (FILMBIOCEL)
There’s an increasing social awareness in regard to climate change and also to enhance the efficiency in the use of renewable resources. In fact, one of the major social concerns is on the issue related to the petroleum-derived materials, due to their negative environmental impact and their non-sustainable life-cycle. It is in this context that the necessity of finding sustainable, biodegradable and environmentally-friendly alternatives to these materials arise. The use of polymers made from biomass seems to be an excellent option to produce multifunctional materials, that could be developed using techniques with great social and industrial potential, like nanotechnology and biotechnology. Therefore, the goal of the present proposal is to build advanced materials providing good barrier and mechanical properties. These materials are made from biofilms which are directly-obtained from natural polymers by means of nanotechnology. The possibility of chemical and/or biotechnological modification of such biofilms is also envisaged.
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Roncero, M.B.
Code project
Start date: 30/12/16
End date: 29/12/20
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research Project MINECO
Modified paper using new enzymatic systems for the development of microfluidic devices (BIPAPµFLUID)
The project presents a new model of industrial production that reduces the pressure on the environment by using
"natural, renewable and biodegradable" materials, such as "paper products ". The project studies the application of industrial processes with lower energy consumption and more efficient use of resources and raw materials with the help of “Biotechnology”. In addition, promotes technological development by searching new applications: "Development of paper-based microfluidic devices."
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Vidal, T.Casals, J.
Code project
CTQ2013-48995-C2-1-R .
Start date: 1/1/14
End date: 31/12/17
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
MICROTECH LAB - Microtechnology for the Industry
Research Project MINECO
Study and development of surface functionalization processes of lignocellulosic supports applying enzymatic systems (BIOSURFACEL)
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Roncero, M.B.
Code project
Start date: 1/2/13
End date: 31/1/16
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MINECO
Biomodification of wood and nonwood fibres to develop new cellulose based products (BIOFIBRECELL)
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Vidal, T.
Code project
Start date: 1/1/11
End date: 31/12/13
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MICINN
Functionalisation of lignocellulosic fibres applying laccase mediator systems using natural phenolic compounds (FUNCICEL)
This project stems from the interest in promoting changes in the paper industry in the light of innovation and sustainability trying to incorporate technologies more environmentally friendly. Moreover, we will try to develop novel products obtained through more sustainable processes based on the Biorefinery concept which use natural and renewable sources. Thus, the general objective of this project is to develop new processes of modification both chemically and enzimatically of the cellulosic fibres of wood and non wood origin, with the final target of modifying or conferring to the fibres new properties, giving raise to novel paper products with high performances produced from more sustainable processes and at the same time environmentally friendly.
Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN)
Roncero M.B.
Code project
Start date: 01/01/2010
End date: 31/12/2012
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project AGAUR
Biodegradation of xenobiotics and natural products: basics and applications in clean technologies
The research activity of the group is to design and develop biotechnology tools and strategies to minimize the environmental impact of industry and human activity, and reduce pollution. The most important objective of the group since its beginning:
- Preventing and reducing the generation of pollutants by industrial activity and human
- Biotechnological methods for removing contaminants
- Development of Clean Production Technologies: Sustainable Technologies
- Bioconversion and recovery of by products of Agroforestry in value-added products
- Optimization of technologies and industrial waste recycling
- Environmental technology transfer to government agencies and private sector.
Vidal, T.
Code project
AGAUR 2009 SGR 00327Dates
Start date: 16/12/2008
End date: 15/12/2013
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MEC
Study and development of new processes for recycling ECF and TCF paper by biotechnological means to obtain high quality fibers (BIOFIBER)
Vidal T.
Code project
Start date: 01/10/2008
End date: 30/09/2011
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MEC
Treatments in materials and commissioning work mortar based on cement, reinforced with fibers (FIBRACEM I)
García-Hortal, J.A.
Code project
Start date: 1/10/2006
End date: 30/09/2009
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
EU Research Project
White Biotechnology for added products from renewable plant polymers: Design of Taylor-made biocataysts and new industrial bioprocesses (BIORENEW)
The general objective of the IP is to obtain a new generation of tailor-made enzymes as an environmental technology to substitute harsh chemicals in industrial processing of plant polymers for added-value products, as well as to develop completely new enzyme-based bioprocesses and bioproducts from these renewable feedstocks.
European Union
Vidal, T.
Code project
Start date: 01/01/2006
End date: 30/09/2010
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MEC
Optimization of new bleaching sequences based on the use of laccase mediator system (ENZPULP)
The aim of the project stems from the well known environmental problems concerning the pollution due to the chemicals used during paper pulps bleaching. In this sense, benefits derived from the use of biotechnological methods in the industrial processes can be of an utmost importance. Moreover, the project takes into account the growing interest for the use of new non-wood raw materials, to manufacture pulps for papers of high added value, and the use of eucalypt fibres as strategic raw material. The most relevant aspects of this project are: i) design of new enzymatic systems based on the use of ligninolytic oxidoreductases of phenoloxydase type (laccases) and compounds which behave as redox mediators. ii) Application of these new systems to totally-chlorine free (TCF) bleaching.
Colom, J.F.
Code project
Start date: 31/12/2005
End date: 31/12/2008
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project CIRIT
Biodegradation of xenobiotics and natural products: basics and applications in clean technologies
Code project
CIRIT 2005-SGR 00327Dates
Start date: 1/1/2005
End date: 31/12/2008
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MEC
Development of new processes for paper recycling
The project is motivated by the interest of the paper industry for paper recovery. This interest is based on two social determinants: need for preserving raw materials, compatible with the increasing use of manufactured products, and need for protecting environment, through the elimination of industrial and urban wastes. On the other hand, the application of biotechnological techniques in industrial production is considered of great importance because its potential in the improvement of paper recycling process and in the production of products of enhanced quality. The most relevant aspects of the proposal are: a) Characterization and development of new enzymes- cellulases- and identification of the traits that determine their applicability on paper recycling, b) study of refining and bleaching of recycled fibres with the use of cellulases, analysing their influence on the properties of pulps, paper and effluents, and c) better understanding of performance of cellulases on fibres and of their relation to effects on refining and bleaching of recycled fibres.
Code project
Start date: 28/12/2004
End date: 27/12/2007
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)
Research project MEC
Treatments in materials and commissioning work mortar based on cement, reinforced with fibers (FIBRACEM II)
García-Hortal, J.A.
Code project
Start date: 13/12/2004
End date: 12/12/2005
Group linked
CELBIOTECH (Research Group: Engineering and Biotechnological of Lignocellulosic and Paper Materials)